Swanky Malone's First Day Downtown...

Swanky Malone Liverpool Downtown

So Swanky Malone Downtown had a very successful first day! With opening on a bank holiday one doesn't know what to expect in terms of passing trade! As myself (Swanky) and my brother, who has recently joined the Swanky Mob, turned onto Jamaica Street at approx 8:30am, it was nothing shy of a ghost town.

We assumed this was the case due to everyone having a brilliant night the night before and predicted come 12pm, we would start seeing some life and we were right! Slowly people started to appear and Jamaica Street took a new light. Charlie was straight outside handing out our flyers with our introductory offer to the new shop! The feedback and interest we had in Swanky Downtown was amazing. People loved the decor and the whole vibe of the place and I must say it put a huge smile on my face.

We still have a lot to do at Swanky Malone Downtown but all in all it is a very comfortable shop to work in and our doors our open for business! Watch this space...